Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 8th, 2011

@tsunimee Last year I gave up caffeine and it made me mildly annoyed without having any noticeable health benefits :/

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@tsunimee I am not giving anything specific up, but I’m going to try to lose some weight.

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@ahnlak Don’t know. It’s never run out yet…

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@philsturgeon Hrm. Tough one, isn’t it? Non/really light CLI could really lower the barrier to people actually damn testing.

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@philsturgeon Cool. You might want to dig through the new Symfony 2 test code — moved to PHPUnit & quite smart from what I’ve seen so far.

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@philsturgeon Most roads that start off in that direction seem to end up at PHPUnit, if that’s any help…

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@philsturgeon Sounds like you’ll end up with Symfony in the end :)

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@Swishrelic @rbrwr Yeah, next time it’ll just be enforced exception reporting by anyone who didn’t get a “We know where you live” card.

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I quite enjoy power cuts since I got this little box under the desk.

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@Narshada @spamtwo Yes, it is just pancake day. Next year we should clearly remind the supermarkets in advance, in case they forget again.

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@bean_head @StephenGatbjs You are not alone. Mine seems to be back now, though.

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@archidave Tesco let me down, too. My heroes of the hour are… er, Spar, surprisingly. Who actually bought enough lemons and flour.

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RT @bertpalmer: Great, a power cut! Good thing I’m cooking with gas. <— you too, huh? Hotwells is dark.

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Oh. Just realised why the traffic lights near my flat are out. When I noticed no building lights on this entire block. Hrm.

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Puzzling that someone organised enough to print out a Google Maps page in advance would get too drunk to read it before dusk.

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Well done, Sainsbury’s, on running out of flour.

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@ahnlak Is that a challenge? I guess that would make me a whiteasshat. Or an asswhitehat.

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Okay. One last look at the pancakes in @hayles’s blog post, and I’ll stop drooling and get back to work.

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@ahnlak Heh. When I have some spare money, maybe “” could be an option.

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@ahnlak Well, it’s not _so_ bad if you set open_basedir so things can’t peek too far above their own silos. But still. You know what I mean.

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@ahnlak Of course, what this really means is that I need another VPS, because yes, suPHP can be a pain to get running with caches and stuff.

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@ahnlak …and without suPHP, at one level, everything’s as secure as the stupidest mistake I make while randomly hammering keys.

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@ahnlak I have (a) nice secure installations of, e.g. WordPress, and (b) random crap I’ve sometimes written myself in a lunchtime…

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@ahnlak I normally find them easy. But I’ve been playing with server ownership, perms and suPHP to get APC running. I fear the next update.

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@drewm Ration the coffee. That’s the only one you need to be creative :)

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I love the WP-Footnotes plugin. It probably comes from reading too much Terry Pratchett at a formative age.

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@StJamesPT Ding diddle-ing-ding da-ding-ding/Ding diddle-ing-ding da-ding-ding… *pushes “buy now” button* #007

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@StJamesPT They do. But will they be a useful gadgety encouragement, or should I simply be getting on with, erm, not eating so much? Hmm…

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@bexxi Mmm. Expensive. But I could also review it for my blog, as well as, you know, _using_ it. Hmm…

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@arlinelyons I hadn’t seen that! If you click the video it reassuringly swoops upwards at the end, though :)

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I am actually quite tempted by one of those Withings scales. Hmm. Pricey, though.

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@hayles Some people are celebs purely because they’re smart & entertaining to listen to. Don’t get people who follow _only_ celebs, though.

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@R2UK Pancakes are easy. Do the Delia recipe and don’t worry if the first one is rubbish; it usually is :)

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@SiDawson Win! I read that tweet while I was flossing :)

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@rbrwr Tried starting them the other way to the way you’d usually start an “F”? Think that’s how I do them.

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