Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 24th, 2011

@tangleofwires The jury’s still out. I may need to have another one to help me decide.

via Echofon in reply to tangleofwires

@technex Mmm. Green tea. Might make that my dessert, actually.

via Echofon in reply to technex

@ahnlak Ha! Yes, I’m with the FCC on that one, too.

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@BlackDogDays Sounds lovely. Shame I have no wine.

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RT @TheOnion: Perfectly Marketed TV Show Somehow Fails . <— *snigger*

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guriben @gothick I believe it’s sharon as in kevin :-)

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 7:38 PM, Mar 24th, 2011 via Twitter for iPhone)

@thomasvenables Well, it’s what I’ve suspected. But only because the alternative would sound so odd.

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Ah, Sharon fruit. You are lovely, even if I’m still not sure how to pronounce you.

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@hayles I wonder if anyone even has a copy of my results anywhere? *wonders* Do *I* have my GCSE results? From, erm, OHGODTWENTYYEARSAGOSOB.

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@hayles Yeah, what @nickbrompton said. Don’t think anyone ever checked. In fact, only one place ever checked my degree!

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@tsunimee I know you liked _Avatar_, but that doesn’t mean *everything* has to go 3D! :)

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@bexxi No, I had no clue. Only looked because I was waiting for tea to brew!

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@bexxi Well, the Wikipedia article is fascinating!

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@csoanes @benjohnbarnes @chris_j_hughes I was barely in bed by then.

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Being next to the spare desk in the team is going to be hard on the diet, isn’t it?

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Listening to the After Dark podcast. It’s uncanny how much @hotdogsladies sounds like Max Headroom if my iPhone playback goes juddery.

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@Kanga_Rue You won’t get many hits; hardly anyone can spell it!

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Don’t worry; this won’t turn into a flood. Just playing with Instagram.

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Balloon over the Bond @ Hotwells Waterfront…

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