Here’s one alcoholic drink I’m not sure @ahnlak would want to review.
codepo8 http://www.knockingoff.c… - awesome blog about unlicensed merchandise
@hayles Nah, you can do it. Don’t forget, there’s always @getrunningapp to get you started :)
@hayles Oof. Still performing the Dance of the Thousand Rubbish Agencies, then?
@hayles Are you unfamiliar with the concept? ;D
@hayles E4 has cycled round to a batch I haven’t seen, and my productivity has dropped by an hour a day.
@Crackerwax Haven’t tried the new version. Won’t whinge, but will probably avoid. I’d be happy to give them money as an alternative, though.
@hayles Mine only came this morning. It’s worth waiting for if you like forms. There’s more here than I’ve filled in in the last 5 years…
@BlackDogDays If it helps, the sausage was only a tiny appetiser while the lamb was cooking :) Feeling good, ta!
I am drinking beer and eating polish sausage. Hopefully my post-half-marathon desire to cram stuff into my mouth will subside soon :)
@Narshada SPORK. Every time.
@arlinelyons Thanks!
@KaveyF One day I’m going to photoshop hair on and you’ll be utterly befuddled.
Kavey @gothick Ha, I was just scanning through one of my tweetdeck columns when I realised I was consciously looking for your domed head!
@domwakeling Does seem a bit odd. Oh well, at least they give you both. And it did seem very well-organised.
@hayles Ahh. Yes, “doing more walking” is a brilliant place to be, but a pain to get to.
Having a lazy lunch in Baristas before work :)
Off to work, then. Lovely day!
@StJamesPT I figured it’d be something like that. But as a medical claims analyst I know I don’t like reading disease descriptions :)
@StJamesPT Lucky! No tightness, but definitely aches. Still, maybe a leisurely walk to work later will help.
…my “net time” (start line to finish line) was 2:49:38, which is four minutes faster than the Bristol Half last year. Cool!
Ahh, the #bathhalf results are in! Was distressed when I checked, but only because official time is “gun time”…
@StJamesPT How ‘bout you?
@StJamesPT Not feeling too bad. Although so far I’ve only walked from bed to the coffee machine!