@rjs And trips to the fridge, in my experience.
A quote that keeps coming back to my mind at the moment. http://bit.ly/dYa8cW
@Thehappyfatgirl He’s not my type, but I’m fairly sure that’s only down to my orientation rather than his hotness :)
@Thehappyfatgirl Loved him since _Ultraviolet_. Fab actor.
@BlackDogDays Of course. Just remember the rule: “Red then white, awful night; White then red, unfuddled head.”
@EssexEating On the plus side, that means your thumbnail is doing its job pretty well, all things considered.
@Schofe @hollywills iPad app idea: iDrinksTray. Remembers requirements for a round, and draws circles on iPad for you to put the cups on :)
@EmilyKoch22 Walked past a lot, but that didn’t take me longer :) Saw police & ambulance with cyclist on Victoria Street.
@arlinelyons :( Hrm. Well, just make sure you keep in touch, ‘kay?
@codinghorror Plus ça change…
Oh, balls. They’ve lost containment? Well, that’s not good. http://www.bbc.co.uk/new…
RT @zinziii: Photo: › Model: [Zinzi Graham] Photographer: [Christina Draper] Make Up… http://tumblr.com/xth1rw… <— love leading lines!