Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 23rd, 2011

@thomasvenables Well, I’ve not looked. But I can’t quite imagine that there _won’t_ be…

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@thomasvenables Yes; pretty amazing what’s getting cheaper now we have proper programmable pocket devices with lots of sensors.

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Incidentally, if you have a guitar, and you have an iPhone, then I find Cleartune to be a really good tuner app.

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And now I’ve got distracted by fiddling with

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Trying to write the last half of a song.

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@ShabbyBean @BlackDogDays So far I have only ever bought one bag. Which is just as well for my ever-expanding waistline.

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@ShabbyBean @BlackDogDays I am very glad it’s not just me.

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@paulpukka I may need to add that to :)

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I just wiped steak pie from the face of the earth. I really shouldn’t try to do astronomy while I eat.

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@Narshada I will! I’ve been meaning to check it out, having seen @ememess’s recent stream of awesome. Just not got round to it yet…

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@johnfbraun It varies here. The look given by a law-abiding cyclist to one who cycles past and through a red light is utterly murderous. :)

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@Narshada I’d probably need to use Instagram for that, right? :)

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@KellyJanner Yeah. I reckon cyclists are safe until they’re organised into a pack by a single leading pedestrian.

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@andybeebristol Fair point; is was born to be a language with irritating misleading naming, wasn’t it?

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Pedestrian and cyclists - clearly a dangerous combination!

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@ememess You have a really good eye! Enjoying the instagram pics a lot.

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@ahnlak You could always make your own. Avenir is the closest available font, if you’re interested :)

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Ha! These are fab: Doctor Who costume t-shirts (thanks, @Hicksdesign!)

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@chris_j_hughes @csoanes Yeah, I hear it can turn you into an early-rising fitness enthusiast. :)

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@becskr Fetched it from the website. Installed over FF3, and it prompted plugin update on first run, I think.

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@becskr I doubt that. Mine updated automatically so I just had no opportunity for tardhood :)

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@becskr Huh? I was using Firebug with FF4 just this morning. Something particular broken?

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@becskr Try clearing your brain’s cache and having another look.

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@BlackDogDays @Bristol_Culture If it’s any reassurance, an increased police presence just rode past on their bikes.

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@Bristol_Culture @JohannaTC @BlackDogDays Incidentally, “Suspect Search - Burglary” according to the helicopter site.

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@BlackDogDays If it was, it was a shared hallucination.

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Oh, for goodness’ sake. Who named JavaScript’s date functions? I’m guessing a leering sadist.

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MKupperman I wonder if the Clash, while recording “London Calling,” dreamed that soon it would be played in movies every time someone goes to London.

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@TaraBusch Probably. But if you had twins you could fully rectify the situation.

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@benjohnbarnes It is! There’s just more Earth than there should be when you zoom Google Maps all the way out!

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Bwa-ha-ha! I have created… The Terminator. Time for bed. @benjohnbarnes

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@johnfbraun A laser? Hey, that’s a much better idea than this flare…

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