madeupstats Whilst vastly outnumbered militarily, analysts have warned that Colonel Gadaffi knows more insults than UK, US and French leaders combined.
@EyOki What? Italy’s a country, isn’t it? *ducks*
@xabl @Dru_Marland “How many significant figures am I holding up?”
Bah. I’ve never got a brill shot of the moon. Need a longer lens, just for those two times a year I want to shoot it :)
@Dru_Marland @xabl I think I might have been by the end of the evening.
@Dru_Marland @xabl I misread that as _Attack of the 14% Lager_, which was a terrifying night I had when I was seventeen.
@asic69 Oh, is *that* what’s going on? I thought it looked particularly bright on the walk home last night. Cool.
Wow. I have done almost nothing today. Seriously. I bought a water bottle. And went to the building society. And it took me 12 hours.
@TheBuzzByBrian Yup. Weird, seems to be flipping between permalink page with and without description slug.
@hayles Also: Wow. You are actually the top hit on Google for “Office 2011 porn”. That’s slightly worrying.
@hayles “It looks like you’re making love. Would you like help choosing a position?”
Drive-by 2.
@MediaBen I love the way that about one in every hundred cars that pass you in Clifton is something really odd :)
@Kanga_Rue I’m just glad it turned out I _hadn’t_ actually sold my Mini and bought a Volvo when I woke up.
My weight: 17:7 stlb. 0:7.0 stlb to go. Weighin’ in.