@Medollic Wargames!
@djelibeybi_meg @ahnlak Snap!
Jesus. Bodie just got a round in, including a pint and a large vodka, for £1.35. This episode of the Professionals must be from 1963.
@thomasvenables To be fair, I tend to be a bit like that on every OS. http://plixi.com/p/88416…
“67 important updates are available”. And MSN wants to tell me about Eastenders and Cheryl Cole. Oh, Windows. How I’ve missed you.
@thomasvenables Gotta be Vista.
@thomasvenables If you’re referring to Steve Ballmer, I think you may be doing the devil a disservice.
@tsunimee Honest. I read it on the internet, so it must be true.
@tsunimee Moi? Incidentally, had you heard that it’s also “send someone called Matt a naughty picture day” today?
@hayles That’s me. I swing both ways, baby.
@Squonk …mostly for annoying devices which only have Windows-based firmware update software. Grr.
@Squonk Nah. I have a VM specifically for IE testing, but this is boot camp. Sometimes you need a real machine, sadly.
@hayles Probably wise.
This feels a bit wrong. yfrog.com/h4vpzytj
@talkie_tim Well, I’ll bear it in mind. But really, just planning on getting familiar with the thing for work, really. No media involved.
@talkie_tim Erm. I can’t think of anything I’d want to do with it that would involve DRM…
@richardjfoster I’ll bear that in mind. Won’t have 64-bit issues, though, am installing on a first-generation MacBook!
@Lillput I have yet to experience tellytubby land.
@Lillput You’re a bad person.
@Swishrelic No. I don’t think I have ever so much as pressed a single key on a Vista machine.
@hayles YES DEAR.
@hayles Bad analogy, then. Oh well.
@hayles Although I take your point. Still haven’t watched _Revenge of the Sith_ despite being assured it’s the least bad new Star Wars film.
@hayles See! Good things! From a mostly sane person. Ish.
Also watching last night’s _Masterchef_. I’m really starting to root for Tim, in fact.
@hayles I’ve heard good things about 7, from from people whom I consider mostly sane.
Installing Windows 7, mostly just to see what it’s like. I’ve never used anything later than XP before.
@nickdonnelly (Sadly only at home, for fun. Work will still be on XP for ages. I was only moved from *IE6* last week — and by accident!)
@nickdonnelly I am, in fact, just about to install it :)
I think I shall refer to the feeling as an “out-of-book experience.”
Just had odd Kindle experience: read two pages of a Bill Bryson book while under the impression it was a Lovecraft novel. #totalmoodchange
@nickdonnelly Windows 8? Goodness. I’ve still not used anything later than XP yet. Really must try to catch up a bit.
@csoanes “Five years, 30 million quid. It’ll probably get lower once you start scoping things.”
@matthew_roach Couldn’t it simply be down to parking fragmentation?
.@petstourettes The Peak District was actually called the Trough District until 1967, when they hired Max Clifford to represent them.
@guriben Well, it’s not like I didn’t implicitly warn you :)
@hayles To be fair, though, that means you were 5 when Beetlejuice came out. Not sure I’d show it to a five-year-old!
@hayles Ah, a bit before your time. http://en.wikipedia.org/…)
@hayles As long as it’s not like Candyman.
@hayles GRRRRRRR.
Twitter should just auto-ban anyone after 3 consecutive reply-tweets with the word “iPad” in them. We could live with the false positives.
@codepo8 Clearly they had a hard time snagging one of your used coffee cups to get the required DNA sample…
Random Safari tip: want to quickly download the contents of a URL? Paste it straight into the “Downloads” window. #geek
@hannahnicklin Also, everything was in black and white and all the shops closed on Thursdays.
@hannahnicklin Even back when most shops took them, before debit cards existed, you usually needed a “cheque guarantee card” #amold
My initial reaction: “Well, it sounds like an amazing deal. But what would I *say* to them?” yfrog.com/h2r89ujj
@Caremur Are you in a sit-com?! I am both sympathetic and mildly sniggery :)
@sizemore Amen.