Okay, I guess it’s iTunes. On the plus side, using Radioshift to tune in has reminded me that there’s other @somafm stations to listen to :D
@rabidbee @talkie_tim @Nose_in_a_book Cool. And it its very likely that it was @iphonefool (plural!) who recommended it.
Damn it. Is it my route to @somafm that’s breaking my streaming, or this new version of bloody iTunes, where I can’t set the buffer size?
@almuddaththir This does not strike me as necessarily a bad thing, when it comes to entertainment.
Bloody hell, Wycliffe is in _Waking the Dead_. Now I don’t know if the crime will be solved by angry shouting or chronic depression.
@hayles Yes, Miss.
Hey, this corner’s rounded!
@hayles Just thinking outside the <div>.
@hayles Maybe you don’t need a sidebar!
In the end, my timeline was exactly split on _Juno_. My vote: good.
Okay, that’s two people in my timeline who didn’t like _Juno_ and one who did. I will now see if I’m with Twitter or the Academy people.
@hayles I didn’t even know it was meant to be a comedy. That may help.
I am about to watch _Juno_. Wish I could remember who recommended it.
@jonhickman *phew*. I really should have double-checked the bloody thing before I sealed it. I’m easily worried.
@jonhickman I don’t want to have to open up the envelope!
@jonhickman It’s not one of those that only applies if you’ve answered a previous question a certain way, is it?
@jonhickman I don’t remember answering that one. Don’t tell me I skipped a page!
@matthew_roach @rabidbee @LBQblog Mmm. I remember that. Might’ve been the Evening Post website.
I have cold feet. This is not a metaphor.
@hayles Oh. Odd. Erm. Maybe she just wants her zip to be really speedily available. For some reason.
@hayles I get an “unavailable photo” message on that one.
@ParkBen Yes, that was my toughest question, too. Even “Look, not even my boss actually knows *that*” is more than 34 characters.
@nickdonnelly Good to know. And to solve mystery of how anyone could be seeing FF work slower than it does on my creaky old work PC :)
@nickdonnelly What speed’s your box? Slowest thing I can try on is a 1.83GHz Core Duo.
@nickdonnelly Erm… Not seeing any noticeable slowdown in tab switching or typing into Facebook here. FF4.0/Mac.
@BradleyLaw I think you missed the “#badumtish” tag off that one.
Okay, that census form was actually not much work, despite its intimidating size. I still managed to fill it in wrong in about 5 places!
RT @LBQblog Any Bristonians out there? Can you recommend a good place for a mani/pedi in town on a wknd? <— Suggestions, Bristol peeps? Ta!
@tsunimee @LBQblog Unfortunately, I’ve never had a mani or a pedi. However, perhaps my followers can help!
@Narshada On the other hand, if they cock up like that every day, that’s £45 a month extra income for you…
@tsunimee Ah, missed that bit!
@tsunimee I think peeling it off would be quite painful on the beard ;)
@Jorence Wooooo! *applause*
@robinince Did you? I read “scientific endeavour’s” as “scientific endeavour has”…
7.5K run. Now a bit of telly with lunch, and on to the census form.
It’s another hazy day out here! @ Cumberland Basin http://instagr.am/p/ClXO…
.@ahnlak @r2uk What, no news stories about Apple being crap at DST changes? How am I going to remember to reset my clocks _now_?
@tsunimee It’s Sunday tomorrow. Who cares? Get out of bed when you feel like it and set your clock to whatever time the BBC says it is :)
Ridiculously awake. And it’s almost 1am. And also almost 2am. D’oh. #bst
@boagworld Grumpy. Honestly, it’s like you got into the wrong side of bed this evening.