Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 5th, 2011

@rabidbee Have a good one. Like I said, preparing for the race and an imminent early night for me…

via Echofon in reply to rabidbee

@stillawake :) Feeling pretty ready. Hopefully I’ll manage. It’s those last five miles that worry me most.

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Playleimagery Have finally got around to uploading my 365 in video format. If you have a time put your fav tracks on and head over to

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:47 PM, Mar 5th, 2011 via Echofon)

Forecast for tomorrow: 3C. Glad I kept that raggedy hoodie around; apparently they’ll recycle any clothes discarded at the start. Nice.

via Echofon

‘Kay. Reckon I’m ready for the morning.

via Twitter for iPhone

@rbrwr Ah, those lovely spongy keys. Still a step up from the ZX81’s membrane pad. Think I was typing with a dowel and a hammer at the end.

via Echofon in reply to rbrwr

@Im_Tricia In terms of finding it hard to balance, right?

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@Ingleslenobel Excellent! The one with the red LED display where you had to push a button to see the time?

via Echofon in reply to Ingleslenobel

The ZX81 had 1kB of memory. Which means I learned to program on a computer with a capacity of around… seven tweets.

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @computermuseum: Happy Birthday to the Sinclair ZX81 - 30 YEARS OLD TODAY! See :… <— My first computer.

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@BlackDogDays Ah, yes, makes sense. No, was on way back from barber’s. Must be something to do with that vintage garagey place at the end.

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@NatastropheJane Maybe you could sculpt it into a spoiler. Loreal must do a mousse for that.

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@BlackDogDays Princess Victoria Street.

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@hayles Are there “just don’t collapse halfway” stripes I can use instead?

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@bexxi But it felt more like it was styled that way, rather than was actually that old.

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@bexxi Not sure. Here’s more useful angle, btw. Street does have vintage car enthusiast garage, so could be!

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Ah, so apparently this thing I just saw is a Citroën H ambulance. Cool. If quite odd-looking.

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Sweet bit of sales copy in the window of an MX-5.

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Just had my head shaved. Reckon the streamlining should be good for an extra minute per kilometre in tomorrow’s half marathon :)

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@tsunimee Well, at least it’ll help with any rough skin on your feet.

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@computermuseum ZX81 -> Electron -> BBC Master -> Archimedes A440 -> 486DX4 -> various Windows & Linux boxen -> iMac

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@MatStace Depends if the choice is to turn away those customers so you can take on customers that _don’t_ care about IE6 instead…

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Listening to @Medollic’s _Fable_ while writing a blog post and thinking about feeding my brain another cup of coffee.

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@ahnlak Well, you do have a home networking setup more complicated than some entire hosting companies’.

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RT @benparkatbjs: Is that even legal to sell in shops? RT @albiondumsday: Bet this doesn’t sell too well in Germany

via Echofon

@digitalbdesigns Shouldn’t have gone anywhere near Google. Looks like it’s actually Echofon for Mac doing it, oddly, on _receipt_ not send.

via Echofon in reply to JamesSLock

Grr. Why did the Twitter app shorten that last URL? I didn’t ask it to, and there was plenty of room.

via Echofon

@jacrats I may have to add “In my defense, an earlier verse has a mango in it.” to :)

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