Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 6th, 2011

Joggy-blog: On the Bath Half, pantomime camels, 3D glasses and lesser-known vitamins.

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@hayles I know what you mean. I think they allow me to be just as neurotic but with more up-to-date information.

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@CoreStrengthUK There were some interesting “fashion” choices, it’s true!

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@joy_james My pleasure. And thanks :)

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Thank you, by the way, lovely sponsors who’ve donated to the RNLI. Hopefully work will double what you’ve given; will ask nicely tomorrow :)

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@AthanSpod Don’t! I’d much rather run a half marathon than move house. Moving is far more stressful and nobody even gives you a medal!

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@hayles I *thought* I just heard a noise like a jellyfish being sucked into a jet engine.

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@bexxi Versatile little fellas, aren’t they? And I do enjoy it when Citroën are bold with their styling. DS and BX spring to mind.

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Cor, my hips ache. Time for some “vitamin I”, I reckon.

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@Crackerwax Ahhh, Galaxy Quest. Fantastic film. Must see that again soon.

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@hayles Sounds far too healthy. And if I have to go out for bread, I think caviar would be a better salt-provider.

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@tsunimee A visit from you, and no strenuous exercise? Seems unlikely… ;)

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RT @bexxi: @gothick Hey, you’ll never guess what I saw today… <— What are the chances?

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Oooh. Race booklet advises eating salty food post-race to avoid hyponatraemia, whatever that is. Where’s those anchovies?

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@justinw Would you get any false positives if you killed everyone with a default “egg” avatar?

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Incidentally, if I were handing out awards for the , those two blokes who went around as a pantomime camel would win big-time.

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@thomasvenables @sean_robbins Thanks! Sorry I couldn’t hang out, but I could barely stand up, as you could probably tell :)

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*So* glad I decided to take tomorrow morning off work. May need some practice walking before I head out tomorrow!

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Goodness, but I *do* love David Sylvian’s voice.

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@ahnlak That is the relieved and cheery smile of someone who knows he doesn’t have to run one more bloody step :)

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@StJamesPT I shall try to lose a few stone and see if I can come somewhere closer to 2:30 :)

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@StJamesPT Sometimes, you deserve a filthy treat. Pretty much anything you get a medal for probably counts!

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@StJamesPT Which I now intend to put back on immediately :) Well done, by the way, looks like a great run!

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@redddwings Merci :) All done and dusted :D

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@hayles I don’t see why it should cause a prob-*smack*.

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@KaveyF I’ve actually spent a lot of my life being inspired by people who take very long baths. Douglas Adams and Fish both spring to mind.

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@KaveyF I’m not sure whether I’d rather have goooooo or hippos. Given the imminent long bath, hippos might be better company.

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Now off for a bath so long that it will rival some of @KaveyF’s bathtime extravaganzas.

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So, yeah, slow but steady, seems to be the way I roll :) Thanks for all the congratulations, folks!

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@StJamesPT I see you shaved a mere hour off my time :)

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Runner’s village is right next to Bath Pavilion, where I saw one of my favourite gigs ever. I shall take that as a good omen :)

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Cool. On t’bus t’bath half. Enjoy it, everyone!

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