@tsunimee :)
@KaveyF …and, after a bit of googlification, I’ve found out I meant Steve John Shepherd. http://bit.ly/fNuPSz
@KaveyF I’m watching Waking The Dead. Ignore me.
Oh, of-bloody-COURSE. He played the clerk in _This Life_, didn’t he? #WTD
@BlackDogDays @pedenan @moonbeatle Ooh, good point! Should really watch it “live”. *scurries to sofa*.
Just mooning around… #coding http://twitpic.com/4bwmn8
(@briantheinvisiblebunnyrabbit yes, I think that lot are weird, too.)
@KaveyF @ahnlak @tsunimee Oops. Sorry, am I confusing people by replying to imaginary tweets? (Sorry also to @briantheinvisiblebunnyrabbit)
@Swishrelic Ta.
@ParkBen Last time I was in that market, ended up in Oppo on Park Street a lot. Which then went bust. But I was symptom not cause! Honest!
@ParkBen Sadly, the target moves about, because what you’re looking for is “cafe so quiet it’s about to go bust”. :/
@ParkBen Yeah, it’s a toughie.
RT @ParkBen: If I wanted to go somewhere on an evening and peacefully use my laptop, where could I go? <— Any insights? (@Jorence?)
@ParkBen Depends on “peacefully”. I actually quite like the Watershed for that, but the business varies.
@BlackDogDays Yup. Nipping to Tesco on my way home.
@ahnlak @r2uk But… Surely they’re only trying to protect the little children from the filth @KaveyF wants to look at. *ducks*
Walk toward the light… yfrog.com/gy2youcj
madeupstats Research finding: For any important file saved on an office network, that there are on average 4 versions named ‘FINAL’.
@hayles Just remember: every litre of tears is a kilogram gone.
New meeting rule: maximum length for a meeting should be: 2 hours - (number of attendees * 10 minutes).
@hayles *sniffle*
Geekity-blog: my new Withings Wi-Fi body scale. bit.ly/fKshQD #review
Twitter’s sign-up rate is now 460,000 users per day. However, 450,000 of them are robots who want you to click on a shady link. #madeupstats
jkottke Daring Fireball, as God (or Twitter) intended: http://thedickbar.com/?g…
Fiddling with the Flickr API. I feel another lunchtime project coming on…
@meemalee Goodness, that sounds like a nice idea.
@EssexEating They have to be divided up one per pub, because if they all go to the same one, they tend to form extremist political parties.
@andybeebristol No. But it does mean I have £50 I wasn’t expecting, which is almost exactly as good.
@EssexEating Yes. If you open a pub, you’re issued with one. It’s part of the licensing conditions.
Won the work “bonus ball” lottery thingy for second time this year. Must now resign while I’m ahead.
@danbenjamin The coffee was average? So, a nightmare, then.
Of all things to get stuck in my head, why a Neil Sedaka number?
The usual suspects. yfrog.com/h292931177j