Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 21st, 2011

@KaveyF …and, after a bit of googlification, I’ve found out I meant Steve John Shepherd.

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@KaveyF I’m watching Waking The Dead. Ignore me.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Kavey

Oh, of-bloody-COURSE. He played the clerk in _This Life_, didn’t he?

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@BlackDogDays @pedenan @moonbeatle Ooh, good point! Should really watch it “live”. *scurries to sofa*.

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(@briantheinvisiblebunnyrabbit yes, I think that lot are weird, too.)

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@KaveyF @ahnlak @tsunimee Oops. Sorry, am I confusing people by replying to imaginary tweets? (Sorry also to @briantheinvisiblebunnyrabbit)

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@KaveyF Oh, I *wondered* what that was. Shh. @ahnlak

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@ParkBen Last time I was in that market, ended up in Oppo on Park Street a lot. Which then went bust. But I was symptom not cause! Honest!

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@ParkBen Sadly, the target moves about, because what you’re looking for is “cafe so quiet it’s about to go bust”. :/

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RT @ParkBen: If I wanted to go somewhere on an evening and peacefully use my laptop, where could I go? <— Any insights? (@Jorence?)

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@ParkBen Depends on “peacefully”. I actually quite like the Watershed for that, but the business varies.

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@BlackDogDays Yup. Nipping to Tesco on my way home.

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@ahnlak @r2uk But… Surely they’re only trying to protect the little children from the filth @KaveyF wants to look at. *ducks*

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madeupstats Research finding: For any important file saved on an office network, that there are on average 4 versions named ‘FINAL’.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:02 PM, Mar 21st, 2011 via Twitter for iPhone)

@hayles Just remember: every litre of tears is a kilogram gone.

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New meeting rule: maximum length for a meeting should be: 2 hours - (number of attendees * 10 minutes).

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Geekity-blog: my new Withings Wi-Fi body scale.

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Twitter’s sign-up rate is now 460,000 users per day. However, 450,000 of them are robots who want you to click on a shady link.

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jkottke Daring Fireball, as God (or Twitter) intended:…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:04 PM, Mar 21st, 2011 via Echofon)

Fiddling with the Flickr API. I feel another lunchtime project coming on…

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@meemalee Goodness, that sounds like a nice idea.

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@EssexEating They have to be divided up one per pub, because if they all go to the same one, they tend to form extremist political parties.

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@andybeebristol No. But it does mean I have £50 I wasn’t expecting, which is almost exactly as good.

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@EssexEating Yes. If you open a pub, you’re issued with one. It’s part of the licensing conditions.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to EssexEating

Won the work “bonus ball” lottery thingy for second time this year. Must now resign while I’m ahead.

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@danbenjamin The coffee was average? So, a nightmare, then.

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Of all things to get stuck in my head, why a Neil Sedaka number?

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