Ooof. Think I saved some money on dinner by having lunch at Rubicon. Pretty sure I won’t be hungry again until tomorrow.
@Knight_cider I shall bear that in mind.
@Pockless @Kavey @petedrinks *Stares quizzically at empty drinks mat* *Looks at ceiling* *Raises eyebrow*
@shezza_t Hopefully I won’t see one again, either. I have just unticked all of the things in the preferences.
@shezza_t Hard to list; it feels like I’ve had about ninety. Latest was “Guess how many people have seen your review?”
tetsell Just put a bookmark in my Kindle. I might be tired.
I thought LinkedIn sent me a lot of pointless, over-chatty emails until I added a review on TripAdvisor. Sensor recalibrated.
Rock on!
Apparently it’s national coffee day. Oops. #doingitwrong
When you walk all the way to a shop, and find out that they’re closed on Mondays.

RPZ anguish.
Proving Fermat’s last theorem. World peace. Opening these things with wet hands.
@Marnova Thanks!