Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 15th, 2014

@johnfbraun Yes, if I were buying now I’d go Synology. This thing’s quite elderly.

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@johnfbraun Netgear ReadyNAS raid box. Emailed me when it noticed the problem :)

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Gah! Thought it was making a funny noise. Time to buy a new disk.

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@MrGreenGus (What’s the actual distance between the lines in the middle of the street there? Hard to tell from a photo…)

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@MrGreenGus This has happened in Hotwells, but only in streets where people did it before, as otherwise wide stuff couldn’t pass…

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Ah, school chucking-out time as usual announced by Yappy McSqueakdog’s twenty minutes of cacophony outside the gate. Sigh.

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@marcoarment “Corporations are just like families!” <— Dysfunctional, overbearing, and impossible to get away from.

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@griffinkate Yeah. One of the reasons my symptoms don’t look so bad is because I’m buying now instead of waiting until I’m a mess.

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@griffinkate Yur. At least I was strong enough to go next door and buy it somewhere that didn’t have a pharmacist to argue with me! :D

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@CharlieBGP @mikedunn Tempted to also suggest the Uni goes chalking some temporary Bower Ashton signs for the first day of term…

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@mikedunn @CharlieBGP @seanbeynon On the plus side, once you know how to follow it, it’s *fab*, and a great improvement on the past.

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@mikedunn @CharlieBGP @seanbeynon Doesn’t help that turning for Festival Way under flyover is only signed from one direction & sign small.

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@CharlieBGP @mikedunn @seanbeynon …both today and during the Balloon Fiesta. Also hard for people from Hotwells trying to join the route.

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@CharlieBGP @mikedunn @seanbeynon Maybe I’m just seeing that more because I’m regularly there. But lots of confused people in that bit…

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@CharlieBGP @mikedunn @seanbeynon Most confusion seems to be in the area between Ashton Avenue Bridge and the start of F/Way under flyover.

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chrsgrrtt New Alt J.

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@chrsgrrtt Oooh! Good catch. *Fires up Spotify*.

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@cybermango @bexxi @libbymiller Odd. Especially as I just looked up the decongestant, and it’s a specific *non*-meth-precursor substitute.

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@jpstacey @cybermango Well, yes. Or on the web. This is the stuff I was denied:…

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@bexxi @libbymiller @cybermango Yeah, that was my reaction. I didn’t “sound congested enough” to be buying decongestant, apparently. Odd.

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Stepladder poking up into innards of Plimsoll swing bridge. Guess they’re changing the rubber band.

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@thekarleighshow *Snorts Lemsip* *Rubs leftovers into gums* *Eyes turn yellow*

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Perhaps my symptoms weren’t obvious because I’ve already had a Lemsip today. Sigh. Anyway. Bought some in a newsagents instead.

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@ahnlak Lemsip Max. Standard, non-OTC, far as I could tell.

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Damn it. Wasn’t allowed to buy Lemsip just now because pharmacist didn’t think it fitted my symptoms.

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Already directed three sets of freshers this morning. Bower Ashton campus needs better signage on Festival Way.

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Meh: first job of the day: go buy Lemsip and Strepsils.

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