And a snap of today’s general haziness in #Bristol. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… pic.twitter.com/ZrBRNFjNwr

Practising my street photography skills on the way to the dentist. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… pic.twitter.com/loAFcH4Swj
An invisible Daily Mail reader. instagram.com/p/sfB_LvJC2y/
MrClungetrumpet @gothick Was he going like Billy-o? #punsr
Man just sailed past in what appears to be a solar powered IKEA wardrobe. #bristol #asyoudo instagram.com/p/se8f75pC_f/
@_pigeons_ Coolerama.
@_pigeons_ Sounds so lovely. I want to do that right now. Sadly: dentist.
@_pigeons_ Yur. I need to get to Ashton Court a bit more, too. Glad the days are getting a bit more autumnal. My favourite walking season.
@_pigeons_ I should try it. It’s really not far from me, but I rarely go there specifically to go there.
@_pigeons_ Not sure I’ve ever sat on a bench in Greville Smyth. Only ever sat on the grass…
@_pigeons_ I know what you mean! flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@liveindetail Aww! Yeah, you’re right. That one on the slope between the pond and the tower is probably my favourite.
So, which are the best benches in #Bristol? Personally, I’m fond of the ones on the viewing platform by the Suspension Bridge.
iannmcdonald so fond of benches: London’s best benches | via @Telegraph fw.to/U0rYIvC
ChuckWendig “Your face is very vulnerable to the security exploit of my grumpy fist.” My PSA on the nude pics at #terribleminds: terribleminds.com/ramble/2014/09…
Right. Yes. Work. Erm.
If that person in my street is still trying to start their car in ten minutes’ time, *I’m* going to call the RAC. Maybe that’s their plan.