@jdriscoll Well, yeah, but there was a shortcut for silencing it. (Presumably just works the other way around now?)
@jdriscoll What is this strange obsession with taking useful stuff away? Can you turn it back on, like the scrollbars?

DarthMeerkat And the winner of the ‘Modest Job title’ goes to this chap. pic.twitter.com/0QJk9WAIiE
@davidcaolo It’s under the crop feature.
wilshipley Sure, this seems idiotic, but look how sharp this suit looks! Not at all schlubby.
@Kavey Heh.
@Padraig @irace I came to same conclusion, but luckily in a shop before I bought. Also, I have plain 5, so upgrade joy still available ;)
@benjohnbarnes On the other hand, it’s asked me about Weather Line three times so far, despite me telling it I’m fine with that…

It was quite a warm day to run #bristolhalfmarathon in normal gear, let alone… pic.twitter.com/j2jORk1l0K
I know who I have more time for. #subtweet

Hah! Runoceros! #BristolHalfMarathon pic.twitter.com/3fniFD7giq

Hey! It’s @brislordmayor looking resplendent in his finery! #BristolHalfMarathon ;) pic.twitter.com/jew02ZwuyU
Sunny but still cool for #BristolHalfMarathon. Portway mostly in shadow with cool breeze. Enjoy!
I will not be running the #bristolhalfmarathon today as I’m still ill and slightly under-trained :( Still, will be out snapping & cheering.

avreed12 Good luck to everyone taking part in @run_bristol especially @brislordmayor running in robes & chain #HopeItsStaysDry pic.twitter.com/mZBryWVa7U
@waiyeehong Agreed. Little buggers.
@corylus Have you tweeted the results of just pressing one of the choices again and again yet?