Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 13th, 2014

Watching The Suspicions of Mr Whicher. Odd. This is a still from the most crucial scene of latest instalment:

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@amyengineer I’m sure we make up for it with homegrown idiocies :)

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@headfirstonly Yur. I have a 5; think Touch ID and the M7 for fitness tracking will be nice upgrade.

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@amyengineer I had to Google “four way stop”. Strangely regional, that one, it seems.

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Now the dust has settled, pretty sure which iPhone I’m buying next. The 5S.

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QuiltingMuriel I made it to 96 without bottled water, quinoa, a gun, suing anybody, kale, yoga or a GPS. You’d be surprised what you don’t need.

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A good understanding of sound transmission in a vacuum.

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@bitchwhocodes I’d probably skip the Master Chef bit, but yeah, sounds like my retirement plan.

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andiih I just got a SQL injection CAPTCHA!

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@beccarothwell Think the only time I’ve made burger from scratch, I used egg as a binding ingredient, but it was years ago.

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@beccarothwell Sadly, I am one of those people who’s perfectly happy to use burgers without understanding much about how they work.

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@beccarothwell Having had a lightly-heated chipotle burger today, I think I’d recommend a smidge of chilli…

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@LarkStreetFood Ho yus. Next time it’s a Harissa Explains It All for me :D Thanks!

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@LarkStreetFood Pig, even. Not quite sure why the autocorrect kicked in there :D

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@LarkStreetFood Thanks for The Big Lebowski :D It was lush.

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Passenger: “Should I worry that the skipper seems to be using an entirely imaginary wheel?”

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@chubbybannister @RamonWrites I started suspecting otherwise when it directed me into bollards.

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@chubbybannister @RamonWrites Ah. I’d assumed it was badly-done lane segregation between pedestrians and cyclists on the A4…

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dangusset Wessex Bus will get you home before curfew on your ankle tag

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@mhk2171 @PamAyres That PG Tips ad on the telly-why is no one bitching? A monkey’s place is in the wild, not Johnny Vegas’s kitchen.

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lgladdy Think the £619 64GB SIM Free iPhone6 is too cheap for you? @O2 have you covered! Get it on a 2 year contract for £729 upfront & £18 a month!

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That thing where you try a new street food place just because of brilliant food naming.

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That’s the second random drunkenly-painted white line I’ve seen in this week.

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@ashfurrow With the 6+, you can just lean it up against the wall. Camera will be about eye-height :D

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@ashfurrow I’d sort of assumed: Put phone on other side of room. Gather group for shot. Trigger shot from watch. (Preview on watch screen?)

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The Death of Adulthood in American Culture:… is a fantastic read. (Via @Caterina’s blog…)

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