Well, that was one for the kids. Shame I don’t have any kids. #doctorwho
My watch’s days are numbered. instagram.com/p/snRmtdJC3P/
@hondanhon That would be a Concorde.
@Kavey Well, they’re all very self-contained. I’d pick one of the later ones if you want to try one. Quiller Meridian, perhaps.
@anna_debenham (Yes, just as now, back in the early 1980s, giving anonymous people ability to broadcast did produce *some* complete knobs.)
@anna_debenham Oh! I was wondering if an app like that existed. last week. Was nostalgic for my CB radio days.
@Kavey Got into them as a kid—some of these are my Dad’s—and just really love the writing. Early ones feel decidedly old-fashioned.
@Kavey …works for London’s ultra-secret Bureau more to act as a safety valve for his need to take things to the brink than for patriotism.
@Kavey Espionage thrillers from the Cold War and onwards. Quiller is a more realistic James Bond: a gadgetless psychopath who…

Me? A fan of Adam Hall’s Quiller novels? Why d’you ask? pic.twitter.com/ZByK9bEUh5

The Hand at Baltic Wharf, back when it had something in its bowl… #bristol pic.twitter.com/c44rMHLztz

CraigGrannell As Apple’s 9/9 event draws near, we must never forget #freejonyive pic.twitter.com/p8a2K9XqNb
@Souterain That might explain the discrepancy…
@Souterain I’m starting to think they had a bad batch when they first started production. Mine would have been bought same time as iPhone 5.
@Souterain So are all those of mine, apart from the Lightnings.
@Souterain Have you had a Lightning cable, specifically, for more than two years? Those are all that have died on me, in light indoor use.
joelevard If I find it annoying, there’s probably a tumblr about it. frayedlightningcables.tumblr.com

I think the invisible man is interviewing for an apprentice in my back garden. pic.twitter.com/NxE8VaADSy
@DanRebellato I’m happy enough with mine. Anything that stops mosquitoes getting in, frankly. I wish he’d invite some mates.
Roight. Southville Deli calls, methinks, to pick up the elements of my staple diet: tea bags and cheese.
@stillawake Well, I’ve seen worse. But only because I’ve visited Bangor High Street recently.
@stillawake Yeah, I’ve sat there and had just the same thought!
@capoapp Thanks—but actually, the new version did a much better job of recognising chords, so I’m okay with losing the old file :)

Heh. Intervalometer out-take from this morning’s songwriting session. pic.twitter.com/bLoXd1vZvD
@Catreia …but it’s hard to do recommendations without being in the same room :) For driving through city at night, can’t beat The XX imho.
@Catreia Well, what have I been listening to recently… Maybe try Rilo Kiley, Wild Nothing, Egyptian Hip Hop (the band, not the genre!)…
@Catreia What kind of mood are you in?
@BubbleButton @liveindetail Well, for starters, you’d currently be weighing egg yolk.

BoingBoing How to not lose your pet turtle as he wanders around your apartment: balloon on a string boingboing.net/2014/09/03/how… pic.twitter.com/lxwUeHR3Rl
@rustyshelf I just think people are going to be very disappointed when it turns out iWatch is just the new name for Apple TV.