Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 16th, 2014

@wordsfromluke Thanks, will definitely be considering. Am tempted by 5Dii, too, yes :)

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@wordsfromluke How d’you find the 6D? Considering a full-frame upgrade from 60D.

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Always something of a nervous moment.

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I have reached that annoying stage of illness where I’m too ill to work well, but well enough to feel guilty about it. Bah.

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@danbenjamin Distant clamour of children in the playground at the back of the school opposite. Slamming car doors. Ticking of a RAID array.

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@jakepjohnson Just been restored by Alan Hosegood in Colston Yard.

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@ahnlak I’m just worried that mine will still be in Kilmarnock when Scotland achieves independence.

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@AndrewCollins The Edge will be delivering it personally later, unless you remembered to tick the opt-out.

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@ahnlak If it makes you feel any better, mine’s with Yodel:

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Yes, yes I’d certainly agree with that last piece of diagnosis.

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