Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 5th, 2014

Going back through old photos. Little Permahog the hedgehog, here just created, is now two years old…

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@capoapp Was just editing a file, saved, updated to latest Capo, now it won’t load. Any hints? Thanks!

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No, *you’re* taking photos when you should be finishing that paperwork.

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@anna_debenham Wow, are they still going? They ran ads in the back of magazines when I was a kid. Bugs disguised as ashtrays, so forth.

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@archidave I think you just intone the department name three times whole holding a three ring binder to summon them.

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@guriben Imagining The Redcross Street Bellowers as the worst barbershop quartet of all time.

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