@chubbybannister Well, I’m not surprised I didn’t spot you at the time :D

@chubbybannister Ah: Maybe… pic.twitter.com/EaM9RbM7dU
@chubbybannister Hrrrrm. ?
@chubbybannister *squints*

@hayles Bonus: it also fits nicely in this IKEA hide-the-chargey-things box. pic.twitter.com/m6OlYukTWC
Currently enjoying Anna Calvi. I always use the Mercury Prize list as a pointer to interesting new music.
@hayles :D Well, it’s better than it used to be, when everything used *different* bloody wall-warts…
Bloggity: RAVPower 4-port USB charger review. gothick.org.uk/2014/09/10/rev… #geek

ethanklapper Not everyone in my family follows Apple news, my sister included pic.twitter.com/mjfSDAl3eB
@Ride_Argyle *Waves from the sidelines* flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@iamamro We’re basically going to have to replace the stationery for the entire nation(s).
@mhoulden That looks like the main street through Clovelly. I can barely walk that one, let alone cycle it.

He looks pretty determined. pic.twitter.com/fVZ6wxB9gD

Yup, definitely looks as happy as someone who’s about to cycle up Bridge Valley Road. #ToB pic.twitter.com/ev6McWT1O8
@chubbybannister I was on the bend. Just took the Zig Zag up to Clifton and it nearly killed me.
@_pigeons_ Not sure my hangover’s going to survive being outdoors for long enough to meet :( Rain check? Pint on North Street sometime?
@chubbybannister Damn it! If I’d known I’d have found you. I took water.
@_pigeons_ Could manage one. Am tired & hungover, though, so might not be scintillating… whereabouts?
@_pigeons_ Suspension Bridge viewing platform. Just came up for some milk, needed a sit down after the Zig Zag!

Folks gathering at the turn to Bridge Valley Road. pic.twitter.com/OuaograeFu
@_pigeons_ Are you going to be watching? When can we expect them? Might wander down with t’camera…

anna_debenham Definitely not a horse chestnut (I wish though!). Here’s a picture of the tree. pic.twitter.com/gfrLJNlQgY

anna_debenham Anyone know what this is? It’s from a tree growing in our garden that I thought was an apple tree. pic.twitter.com/Tkh8eoYiU7
@shezza_t Thank you. My brainstem seems to be crawling slightly less now.
I’m actually getting a slightly higher background level of vertigo from just knowing that place exists.

JonCG ‘Cliff erosion could cause a problem,’ says caption. MT @Telegraph Spectacular ‘cliff house’ fw.to/6LbIPyU pic.twitter.com/WWBUsh0s2I
@Bristol_Culture You’ve explained a sport I don’t know anything about by analogy to a sport I don’t know anything about :D #notsporty
@drewm Let me know if you find one.

sturdyAlex A simply utterly splendid thing: Malcolm Tucker Inspirational Quotes. buzzfeed.com/robinedds/dont… pic.twitter.com/L91Y7S1bIT
@hayles Now I want a butter pie.