@Codefury Hah! You should. It’s very pretty. Here it is in the daylight: pic.twitter.com/iVGn8ap0Ly
@liveindetail I’m glad I didn’t stay out long, that’s for sure.

My evening, animated: tumblr.gothick.org.uk/post/978445347… pic.twitter.com/B1D9aSqrwP
@andywade Haven’t a clue. Unconfirmed report that it was a Eurofighter, but nobody seems to know why it was roaring over Bristol.
@MandinaM It’s not so much the danger as the pouring bloody rain…

Been up on Brandon Hill, doing a bit of flash photography. #bristol flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… pic.twitter.com/iSQbT1cBN5

.@fergieweather Yeah, bit exciting out there. This is from Brandon Hill (Colston Tower between the trees.) pic.twitter.com/5wZYY4WG0u

liveindetail Ka-BLAM!!!!!!!!! pic.twitter.com/nIHB9BTBSt
Last time I nipped out with the camera when it sounded like this, I snapped this from Observatory Hill: flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
Maybe I *should* nip out with the camera. #famouslastwords
Sorry, thunder, I would be impressed but that low fighter jet passing over Bristol earlier reset my “surprisingly loud noise outside” scale.
@ThatChrisGore “Vote early, vote often.” :)
@philsballoons @jeffsaul10 I was just going to ask @ToM_BaL what that was. From my Hotwells basement, I could only tell “low” and “military”
hayles Open a new tweet in iOS and keep pressing the word on the right side: “a man with my family and friends of a few years and years in a row”
@hayles There’s pretty much no need for me to be here any more. The phone can handle all this on its own now. For a long way.
@hayles I love the fact is the most recent version and the first place I have no clue who I want you in my room for a long way.
@Cerebz @blondewordsUK @esteluk Certainly sounded more military than commercial.
@Cerebz @blondewordsUK @esteluk That was lower and closer than anything I’ve ever heard in Hotwells, and I’ve been here since 1999…
@Cerebz @esteluk @blondewordsUK Nope, but I’m in a basement :) All I saw was the windows rattling.
@SpikyZebra I do not know. But it was very low. And very jet.

ASPBrisCentre Recovered cameras. Man in custody. #Bristol Are they yours? Call 101 if you can help. pic.twitter.com/04xi4oBSE6
What the rumbling badgercocks was *that*? #bristol
@KellySibson Do I have to pick a side?

PlayableCity If you work in the centre of Bristol, #shadowing streetlights 6+7 just added to the map may be on your route home pic.twitter.com/Tn4NQQMqqT
@JamesSLock It was yesterday.
Clifton. instagram.com/p/tFgVwVpC5C/
@guriben Had a friend who said they were amazing, but that was once she’d actually managed to have some appointments, of course.
Working on an iOS 8 keyboard that won’t type anything but U2 lyrics.
@secboffin @a2 Nah. Somewhere on Clydeside there’s a shipyard tooling up to make a *really* big outboard motor.
@talkie_tim @Lillput Yes, dear. But at the moment it’s a great solution to no problems that I have.
@liveindetail Won’t this bias the results towards people whose parcels actually turned up?
Entirely up to you, of course, my Scottish friends. Vote early, vote often. Xxx
@JohnPhilipCole It’s difficult to raise the energy for that when you’ve got a cold. I just bought some from the newsagent instead.
@mr_mookie I might turn it back on at some later point, when I’m ready to see if I can learn to like it. But this is not that week.