Sweet. Yahoo!’s Weather app will be using one of my photos as a background for Bristol. I’m guessing for “cloudy”: flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
Fixing rsync. *fetches hammer*
Damn it. Stayed near School of Art when I was in Glasgow for first time, last year. They were between exhibitions, so didn’t go in.
Including me.
“Oh, the rain seems to have stopped. I’ll just nip out and get my lunch now, then.” — Every drenched Bristolian for five mile radius.
@DocLovelly Some good things come from Essex, you know. *looks down, buffs fingernails*
The strong correlation between one-star reviews and people who can’t spell the word “disappointed”.
@OpinionatedGeek I had pretty low expectations, to be fair.
@anna_debenham (I paint my postcode on the back of the pot. Haven’t had any nicked since, but don’t know if anyone’s actually been deterred)
@anna_debenham Ah. Sounds rather more organised than when mine have gone :/ Don’t let them get you down. Mark/subtly chain up new ones?
@anna_debenham (And have you checked the local streets? Sometimes plant thieves are drunk and on foot and give up after a while.)
@anna_debenham That sucks. I’ve had the occasional pot carried off. Generally things stay where they are, though.
@asic69 @ahnlak Sadly, this may be the year I decide the renewal fee for dermonprac.eu is too pricey to maintain the joke :D

TypeTasting Reminiscence Packs for seniors: such a brilliant idea to prompt memories from @MuseumofBrands museumofbrands.com/learning/remin… pic.twitter.com/3nnD3hvu9u
@guriben Can you use your superpower to benefit mankind? Keep Farage off the telly, maybe?