@chubbybannister @MsMottram @JannerTM @liveindetail Very appropriate. Sadly I am bannisterless.
@JannerTM @liveindetail Oh yeah! youtube.com/watch?v=dMBlXT… Though I use the “pretend to be a ghost” method, personally.
@ihavecake I’d be willing to give it a try.
@bexxi @toastroom @himmelskratzer Well, you know what they say. “When life gives you lemons… RUN THE HELL AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN!”
@toastroom @bexxi @himmelskratzer DON’T IT’S A LEMONTRAP.

eliistender10 It’s true pic.twitter.com/mYVh1sN3xC
@BlackDogDays Think I might do exactly the same.

Spectator Sport: flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… #bristol pic.twitter.com/dz7H2NhxvF
DrHairbear Looked like a lot of fun! flickr.com/photos/hairbea…

Park Street? A tad busy today? I didn’t really notice. #bristol pic.twitter.com/5pddGseM9u
Ahahaha! Nice bit of marketing by The Richmond :) instagram.com/p/nk_pvgJC4c/
Nice to matter with @BlackDogDays and posse on Brandon Hill just now. Perfect day for sitting on a park bench in the sun.
adactio Chrome’s obfuscation of the URL solves the security issue in the same way that decapitation solves a headache.
Huzzah! instagram.com/p/nk1VTXJC3g/
Vee Double Moo losing customers from the queue who don’t know it’s worth the wait. I pity the fools…

oliverhumpage Much better sense of awesome scale! RT @lukejerram: It works #bristolslide pic.twitter.com/084QceKyf0
@hayles @DWBUXTON @BlackDogDays In that case, I recommend Spike Open. That’ll be a more chilled experience :)
@DWBUXTON Yeah. Feels like the experience was designed to evoke the “very tall person pushing in front at a gig” experience.
@hayles @DWBUXTON @BlackDogDays It’s a good atmosphere. Personally I’m heading for Brandon Hill for ice cream ;)
Hrm. Or maybe that’s a little too busy for me.
mamahabits Park St. is BUSY instagram.com/p/nkmtMWBo1-/
Might wander out Park Street-wards with the camera, I think. Looks like a nice day for a walk, anyway.
@DWBUXTON @hayles @BlackDogDays Heading in that direction in a minute or two, I think.
That last retweet had a pretty interesting collection of replies. Lots of mathematical argument.

liz_buckley Um. Guys. It’s 50% longer, not a third. Don’t go running a bank or anything. pic.twitter.com/8XPWGtxZ85
@stillawake He’s very, “Is she taking a photo of me? That makes me feel slightly uncertain about everything.”
@waiyeehong @feasttotheworld @Kavey @cameronballoons It’s all @lukejerram’s fault.
@Kavey @waiyeehong @feasttotheworld Nope. Might wander along and take a photo or two, though.
@adambanksdotcom Cool, ta.
@philsturgeon @Simon_Pic_Ed I admire your ambition and desire for balance in your life :D
Great example of the “messy but clearly productive” school of work: flic.kr/p/ntxRcs
@Kavey Might be that it gets them to submit their address book to do “find friends” and then spams everyone in it.
@Kavey But to answer your question, I think perhaps “like Yahoo! Answers but not for complete idiots” sums it up.
@Kavey Probably trying to scam you into joining. They do that “can’t see the answers until you join” thing, too.

SpiritPRTeam The #BristolSlide is under construction by @lukejerram & the team. pic.twitter.com/LyYu7DbsjP