guardiannews Amazon UK boycott urged after retailer pays just 0.1% in tax
@MadsYork They’re probably too busy ignoring their phones. But your answer is… if that helps.
@Pinboard Delicious is still going!?
Cool. Gas leak fixed. Split washer in the connector to the hob, apparently. That was significantly quicker and easier than I was expecting.
@ahnlak I’m not retweeting that because you didn’t make any embarrassing mistakes.
And as if by magic, a gas fitter appeared. #tea
@PeteWilliams Me too. So many different angles to choose from!

will_coldwell This is what constitutes a “studio” flat in London now.…
@ahnlak *snigger*
Making a pot of tea, on the grounds it might make a gas fitter spontaneously appear in my house.
Finished a morning session of Android development. Now closing approximately 68 tabs on Stack Overflow.
anna_debenham When you meet me, please be wearing the same clothes and hairstyle as your avatar and pull exactly the same expression for a few seconds.