Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 11th, 2014

@rosechild Are you saying that’s not normal?

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@Sirius7dk @lilylayer4 I ran 10K today and I live halfway up a hill. I couldn’t manage the getting milk bit, let alone the sex.

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ItsKieranTime I’ve found it; the most confusing image on the internet.

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@ChristinaMcMc Want to drop me an email?

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@ChristinaMcMc …then you could probably do it with one file and a few lines of code.

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@ChristinaMcMc Would depend on quite a few variables. But if you still have a way of putting files on the receiving end of the old URL…

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@ChristinaMcMc Would the old address still be getting the hits, and are you still in control of it? Might be worth setting up redirection.

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Home. Running my traditional post-race Really Long Bath :D

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run_bristol Sorry we ran out of tees/medals at end – fewer no-shows than usual Don’t worry – you’ll get them. We’ll contact runners direct.

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Hurrah! Traditional post-race Crunchie bar and honey milkshake from Rocotillos.

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This would normally be my traditional medal photo. But have run out of medals. SADFACE. Ah well.

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@hayles @jakepjohnson @frolickingfood Thanks! First race for a year and I only just started training again. *gulp*

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Bristol 10K today, then, folks! Let’s hope it’s a bit less breezy on the Portway than it was yesterday…

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