Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 27th, 2014

Ihnatko If the things you write aren’t as good as “Babylon 5,” you sure can’t blame the desk you bought on eBay.…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:13 PM, May 27th, 2014 via Echofon)

@adamgasson Tracked it down in the end. It’s at Alldaybreakfast gallery.

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Anyone know anything about a temporary photographic exhibition on the top floor of the Galleries? Derelict factory photos? Ta.

via Echofon

@guriben @VolunteerTavern Wow. They’re so focused. Everywhere! On everything! FOCUS!

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@chris_j_hughes If only I could remember if I used to do it when I was young, too.

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@guriben That’s an anagram of “one bleating intern”.

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When you walk to the kitchen to make a cup of tea, and find the cold cup of tea there from the last time you did that.

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RT @gothick: Should I know who this is? <— Ah! Ron Burgundy. That’s why he’s been stencilled on a huge anchor!

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@Marnova Yeah, I’ve lived next to it since 1999; I’ve seen it empty, but never seen it in the middle of *being* emptied before…

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@Marnova Every now and again. Not sure of all the reasons. Think they did it once to make the water cleaner for triathlon swimmers!

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@speechdebelle I ordered a WiFi router once and they delivered me someone else’s Porche Cayenne exhaust instead. It’s a lottery!

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jakepjohnson Here’s a handy gif should you be blind enough to struggle to see the difference between the new and old Google logos

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 1:51 PM, May 27th, 2014 via Echofon)

Looks just like a willow garden.

via Instagram

The pivot point of Brunel’s “other” bridge, exposed.

via Instagram

When they pull the plug on Cumberland basin it causes logistical issues for pedestrians and cyclists…

via Vine - Make a Scene

Testing new version of Meditation timer. Current status: waiting for a ping. One ping only. (Who heard that in a Scottish accent, then?)

via Echofon

@RpzCwood (Plus it’s harder to judge here outside of term-time, anyway! Will have to wait till June to see differences…)

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@RpzCwood So the Post is lying/spinning, then? (Haven’t seen any difference round here, but Hotwells always had more probs in evening…)

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@ahnlak I’ll let you off the slap, seeing as it’s your birthday. Don’t say I never get you anything :) (And happy birthday!)

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Kavey Do you know @petedrinks’ blog on beer, whisky and coffee?
Find a post you like a and leave him a comment — it’s his birthday today!

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:00 AM, May 27th, 2014 via Echofon)

@RpzCwood The Post are saying it’s been delayed further, but not sure where they’re getting their facts from:…

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Note to self: You should have written a note-to-self about where you were with this project before you took two weeks off.

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I really dislike having to visit the Bristol Post’s ad-plastered site to get information on the RPS. Can @BristolCouncil not update website?

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@RpzCwood The RPZ is live now? So, probably time to tell the council I’ve still not had my permit, then…

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