@richardjfoster Yup; probably my school library. They had a lot of Heinlein.
This BBC “star” “tax dodge” thing the Mail’s going on about. Isn’t that normal for self-employed people? It’s what my account told me to do…

Going through old photos to work out *exactly* how cool I was during the 1980s. pic.twitter.com/z4wwsEMGf6
@TechCorrect Nostalgia! Here’s my second computer, and some Uni friends playing Lemmings on the fourth, an A410/1!..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…KP
@psidnell I’m told they were excellent. Blueberry.

Much as I respect the stoic people enjoying the harbour festival today, I’m happy enough with my decision. pic.twitter.com/ABTtWH0T5R
BristolHarbFest Rain not stopping play on @RSVPBhangra pscp.tv/w/bENuFzFBbVF6…
@_pigeons_ Exactly! And the roof actually stows in the luggage compartment at the front where the engine would be in a lesser car :D
Completely convinced that wandering around the house making the scissors gesture with your fingers helps you find the scissors faster.

Mini eclairs. #igersbristol ift.tt/2tR46xw pic.twitter.com/5UAzXZx01A

I’ve always love me an X1/9 threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/07/23/x19/ pic.twitter.com/3nXr5ldVvS
@_pigeons_ Ah! It hadn’t occurred to me that the X-1/9 is mid-engined. That funny cover is actually the engine comp..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Ze
“Antics in the changing room”? What did I miss? No, on second thought, I don’t want to know. #thearchers
@hopper_coffee *Doesn’t blame you face*