bbchase I have some thoughts about why news orgs are finding that people won’t read long articles..pic.twitter.com/G8Zh6GTA6w6w
There’s an “in medias res” opening if ever I saw one. twitter.com/foxfeather/sta…
@invalidname @debaoki Nope.
RellyAB My son was trying to describe a ferret to me earlier but he didn’t know the name so he described it as a rat crossed with a cucumber 😂
symroe Them: “We only accept scans of documents, not photos”
me: converts photo to black and white, crops, rotates by 2°.
“Scan” is accepted.
@griffinkate I think of it as “procrasturbating”, if that’s any help? 😀
@willbl Hah! A Shoebill cropped up in the Times crossword yesterday. It’s nice to see proof that they exist outside crosswords, too :D
iom3 Scientists crack the secret to Roman concrete’s strength – and findings could help today’s builderow.ly/Yq6X30dj5jWDm

@emmachampion6 Morning. pic.twitter.com/UgnFDxRDrM