@ChuckWendig On non-force-touch *iPads* you can do it by sliding around with two fingers instead.
uliwitness Star Trek: Discovery trailer has dropped from Netflix: youtube.com/watch?v=oWnYty…
davidcaolo I feel like every time Trump appointee is fired or quits, Oompa Loompas should appear and sing a song about gluttony or greed.
@talkie_tim @MakingBlakes7 I said “beautiful”, not “sassy”.

SourceDuMal The minute a man uses the word “females” he automatically looks like this to me pic.twitter.com/m2LI6YqnFt

@mpseely @MakingBlakes7 You can see it better if you have a perfect replica of the model at home. Oh, hang on..pic.twitter.com/73PrcnrKbrbr

@Gidsey I do love it for a bit of #peoplewatching. @BristolHarbFest pic.twitter.com/G6FhCPXyyq
RikerGoogling are starfleet rank pips dangerous to swallow
OpinionatedGeek I thought it would be more of a Safari… twitter.com/slashdot/statu…

NetflixUK The war for New York is here. @TheDefenders, August 18th. pic.twitter.com/ktZ90ruDIW

B247Martin The future of temporary employment has arrived in Queen Square: pic.twitter.com/8Dtnvb0GGd
That’s @MakingBlakes7 over there, currently describing the genesis of the most beautiful spaceship in the history o..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…3F
Avon_Stories If you like ghost stories, weird factoids or true crime, this podcast is for you - thanks @WeirdBristol for your ti..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Xb
This episode of ST:TNG features the Ventaxian race. Can’t help but think the writer might’ve been a bit desperate…twitter.com/i/web/status/8…xN
@bufferingcast Is it worrying that I had Cordy’s jingle in my head before I read any of the text?
@fakebaldur Normally when things are this terrible about considering other countries, it means they’re US-only.
@fakebaldur Well, I tried to help, but it says exactly the same thing for me, in Britain.
@hayles :D There we go, nobody saw anything. cafesigns.tumblr.com/post/162822139…
@hayles Ah! Thanks, I’ll correct it. This is the problem with shooting film: too long a delay between shooting and tagging!
📷 Can’t go wrong with a sausage-inna-bun. tmblr.co/ZD7hNx2O52zZs

It seemed quite a stark welcome. Also, I couldn’t help but wonder which of them was Lisa. pic.twitter.com/2tuAiCW1nT

Always love seeing the curve on these lock gates. Not sure why, other than: engineering. pic.twitter.com/ottcr3LgxZ

Considering the clouds I walked out to, it wasn’t too rainy at the harbour festival, at least. pic.twitter.com/yk0mqd4i4d
Just caught myself thinking of putting the heating on. #july
Home! Just as well, given: (a) I cleverly took an anorak and a water bottle in my bag, and (b) I didn’t put the top on the bottle properly.

lad This is the best video ever pic.twitter.com/K065H6RJfQ

An excellent sign #contentnotquality ift.tt/2tpA5W5 pic.twitter.com/Ths0vakVdz
@bexxi So did his level of off-key- and out-of-time-ness.
There’s a mandolin player needs tuning at t’Underfall. Or possibly shooting.
@misterbooof Yup. Not my favourite tipple, but options were limited.

Still not raining. Risking a pint. ift.tt/2uJgX9y pic.twitter.com/nnDmqIwpkF

Awaiting crispy squid. ift.tt/2ulqdho pic.twitter.com/CsfWxcLtYu

The stall was hard to find, but the brownies are beautifully dense. pic.twitter.com/PMpJmKxWUV

Wanderin’ ift.tt/2tPY3Ju pic.twitter.com/r2CJFH97Xa
@njj4 Well, it takes all sorts.

Thanks, postie. (And @FishDerekDick!) Thirty two years. Gosh. pic.twitter.com/vjd1QmHGNQ

Decluttering. #geek ift.tt/2tp32kN pic.twitter.com/Epnz7fmxLR
Times Doctor Who Was Ruined Forever doctorwhogeneral.wikia.com/wiki/Times_Doc…
fatgirlphd I just noticed some chicken was missing from my plate while washing up and found this smug cat I do not own chillin..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…1K