@RealDramRob Things went downhill sharply from there, and that’s saying a lot, from a pub outside Swindon station.
@RealDramRob It started with a tall, genial hippie asking me if I’d ever tried the stuff in the better(!) of the tw..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…p4
@RealDramRob “In case of emergency break glass,” then manhandle the sliding doors open-style break out.
@RealDramRob …by which I mean, “Careful now!” 😀
@RealDramRob Jeepers. No, because the only time I tried it I ended up with memory loss and had to break out of a lo..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Bo
Home! YoBikes are less good than they used to be, but at least they cut some time off my journey.
@Eater If Sherlock Holmes & Miss Marple donned their tweeds & searched the UK for a fortnight with an OS map they w..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Lw

On the way to t’Tobacco Factory. #igersbristol ift.tt/2tGCigD pic.twitter.com/VZQSJTd38N
Samuellificatio @Eater The most British thing about this is that a deadpan British person once told someone this was absolutely a British thing to eat.
Er. No it’s not. Is this some kind of spoof site? twitter.com/Eater/status/8…
📷 Roll for the Soul, Nelson Street, Bristol. Kodak 400TX/Leidolf Lordomat. tmblr.co/ZD7hNx2NezAzx
@benjohnbarnes @evanmcmurry There is thisisfake.org but only for Chrome/Facebook, and my FB feed doesn’t s..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…yR

Amazon are now trying to sell me stuff where I don’t even know what it is. Is this carefully designed clickbait? pic.twitter.com/b4a3VUnvim
Current status: listening to a Damned album because its name came up in a crossword this morning. #thuglife
Avon_Stories Who lived in Medieval Bristol? Inc Icelandic slaves, Knights Templars, Jewish communities, & how Bristolians had fun avonstories.com/2017/07/05/avo…