Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 31st, 2018

@domwakeling I am actually quite stunned to find that there are services who’ll convert graphics files into wax seal stamps. But so far I am resisting.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to domwakeling

c0mmunicants I saw a bumper sticker that said “Make tea, not war”, and what a wild ride they are in for when they learn literally any fact about tea.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:33 PM, Mar 31st, 2018 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Something of an odd purchase in 2018, I’ll grant you, but nevertheless irresistible.


This cold I’ve come down with arrived pretty much in the same hour I started this long weekend of freedom from work. Bugger.

via Twitter Web Client