Finding @zenhabits’ advice to pick three of your projects and batter away at them until all done to be the missing magic in my GTD.
@Playleimagery I’m mostly using ZenPhoto to learn a bit more about web programming/design. But it’s very good; simple but powerful.
@Playleimagery Birthday food will probably be @Whatleydude’s chocolate chili! Not sure, though, need to talk to host about veggie numbers…
@Playleimagery I nearly did mine through Lightroom, but I ended up using ZenPhoto instead (just getting it together at
@Playleimagery Great photos! One thing: is there a way to get titles displayed on the gallery? Would make them easier to talk about :)
Have wrapped pressies for tomorrow’s birthday gathering and bought ingredients. Now to see if host has big pan and two free oven hours…
@Lillput They can be recalcitrant little buggers, taps.
@Lillput Mole grips are your friend.
@johnfbraun Yeah, but only if (programmer->balls->get_material() == Materials::steel)
@Whatleydude Ta! Been invited to potluck dinner party tomorrow. Should work really well!
@Whatleydude Was it you who posted a chili recipe the other day?