Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 16th, 2009

How did I manage to uninstall Flash Player in the same minute that Adobe’s download site died?

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@talkie_tim So wear a dirty shirt! You’re paying them to rent you money, right?

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@DavidSGI Yes, but did you find the golden ticket?

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Think I’m coming down with a cold. Am going to try ploughing on with my to-do list regardless.

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@talkie_tim For next time, have a shirt made up with “gizza mortgage” on it in 96pt Helvetica.

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tempted to set up elegant web app for blocking people on Twitter just so I can call it ‘Twatter’.

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@paulahillier The little cafe? Good food, but staff seem to vary from lovely to surly…

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