@stevemarvell Actually, I suppose I could. After all, swearing compresses very well, as shorter is generally ruder :)
(And believe me, if I’d had more than 140 characters for that last tweet, I’d’ve called #Microsoft something very rude.)
Ta for the mail, #Microsoft, but I’m aware my settings don’t allow you to send me promotional info. That’s ‘cos I don’t want you to mail me!
@RavenousRaven I have the first lesson of a songwriting course tonight. Wish me luck!
@MitchBenn Last Man Standin: filmed entirely with stunt doubles.
@kate_day I think you’ll find I said that first.
@Playleimagery A very fine band from Birkenhead. With added sarcasm.
@Pockless Bath Komedia.
Just booked a Half Man Half Biscuit ticket :)