jackbern23 EGGS: Tee hee! You may look, fair customer, but you will never find me! Am I next to the bread? Or perchance by the milk?
ME: *goes to the milk*
EGGS: No! I’m by the binliners, inexplicably!
ME: Goddammit
ME: Now I’m by the coffee! All hail Eggs, The Scoundrel of the Supermarket!

Birdyword This is so cool. The UK’s current heatwave is exposing the outline of ancient hill forts and settlements. Soil quality today is still affected by iron age construction, so the grass on top changes colour at a different pace in the sun. HT @holland_tom rcahmw.gov.uk/cropmarks-2018/ pic.twitter.com/MaM5GdxV6b
@johnfbraun Entirely-imaginary-season-9-five! 🖐
It’s a good job Scrubs ended at season eight and there wasn’t some kind of awful ninth season that we’d have to erase from our memories.

2/2 Some of the creatures spotted on the @BristolFerry Gorge & New Cut trip on Friday. pic.twitter.com/QDNbgvJAi4

1/2 Some of the creatures spotted on the @BristolFerry Gorge & New Cut trip on Friday. This batch includes the lesser-spotted theodolite-wielder. pic.twitter.com/8c10BnCvWV

2/2 Looks like I fixed the light leak on the Haynes kit TLR. I, er, may need to work on the focus next..pic.twitter.com/QrpYw7Vpaxax

1/2 Looks like I fixed the light leak on the Haynes kit TLR. I, er, may need to work on the focus next..pic.twitter.com/rXe2CoyYDEDE
Serendipity: halfway through scanning dusty negatives and an episode of @chrismarquardt’s TFTTF devoted to Lightroom’s healing tool cycles in…
@adambanksdotcom Yeah. Bit scared that while there are a few left in stock, they’re the ones with no reviews and the product description in Norwegian, or something…
Trying to erase the mental image of Will being faced by custardy stuff. #thearchers
@VeraR2010 I was thinking it could be the perfect way to end the heatwave, at least.
It’s probably quite lucky that by the time I decide I might actually buy an air conditioner during a UK heatwave, they’ve pretty much all sold out.