Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 17th, 2018

boobygraffoe The Tories are on the ropes. Time for the Labour Party to take the initiative and kick themselves squarely in the bollocks.

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WeirdBristol Though it’s often assumed that Snuff Mills is so named as it was a mill for snuff powder, the mills were only ever used to make flour. The area takes its name from a former millworker “Snuffy” Jack - famous for being such a heavy user of snuff his jacket was always covered in it.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:20 AM, Jul 18th, 2018 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Being still mildly annoyed that “” isn’t an NNTP server.

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@David_on_a_bike @MrGreenGus Pretty sure I saw someone doing the Nelson Street Wriggle in a club last night.

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Ooh! Extra bonus for this season of Unforgotten: half the locations are just around the corner from me ;)

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RellyAB Okay, the X-Files but both Mulder and Scully stay in. He’s convinced there’s a Muppet Caper afoot, she’s not. Every time she looks a Muppet ducks under a table.…

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@_DavidSmith NSURLSession? I wouldn’t necessarily trust that details like that were actually in the documentation back then…

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ibogost Everything’s fine.…

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lazerdoov My mom has a podcast but you can only hear it if you have the password to my voicemail

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:43 AM, Jul 17th, 2018 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

AI goals: algorithms that are smart enough not to shuffle Christmas songs into the mix in July.

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol

@csoanes The plot thickens. AA turned up, tried the car and it didn’t start. Jumped it and the alternator’s not charging the battery, so it’s probably all electrical after all. (Unless I’ve had two things go wrong at once, which is always possible on a 15-year-old car :D)

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Okay, oddly, despite the red herring of the PAS fluid being low, the AA reckon it’s the alternator that’s died. Ah well. Let’s hope that’s all it is. Thanks to @TheAA_UK for turning up quickly! They’re now hoiking my car off to a local garage…

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@csoanes @benjohnbarnes Yeah. “It says ‘E’, and that don’t mean ‘enough’…

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@csoanes @benjohnbarnes I’ve looked up where the PAS reservoir is and it’s got a built-in dipstick so I can have a look in a bit. Was recharged at service 3 months ago, so if there’s none left I’ve probably blown something…

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@csoanes @benjohnbarnes There was a noise like ABS, though the ABS light was also flickering on sometimes (though the brakes were working perfectly all the way through.)

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@csoanes @benjohnbarnes I think there was hydraulic fluid dripping out of the engine bay, but I’ll check the fuse before I call the AA, ta ;)

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