Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 20th, 2022

MajorTomCom I’m going to start a thread of films/tv that belong in the DGU (Dressing Gown Universe). Rules are simple - a major character must wear a dressing gown in more than one scene. I’ll start with the classic tv version of HHG2G. Please add.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:14 PM, Dec 20th, 2022 via Twitter for iPad)

@Swishrelic I agree. Has a lot in common with all my experiences of suddenly falling in love with a band I’d never heard of before who turn out to have released a solitary album in 2002…

via Twitter for iPad in reply to Swishrelic

Currently wondering if Robert Carlyle or one of the writers was a Blake’s 7 fan, as someone definitely seemed to be asking “What would Avon do?” for Rush’s part…

via Twitter for iPad in reply to gothick

In “very late to the party” news, Stargate Universe really wasn’t half bad. I tried it at the time but I think I needed a little distance from the more-upbeat rest of the franchise to really appreciate it.

via Twitter for iPad

@iamtheshunt1 I would much rather eat pickled onions than turkey. Clearly the lurgy I had has fogged my brain. Will need to make emergency pickled onion trip.

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@AthanSpod @hayles I may or may not be currently eating a mince pie and drinking Baileys. At this rate I will probably be having a 2008-vintage tin of spam from the back of the cupboard for Christmas dinner.

via Twitter Web App in reply to AthanSpod