WillyRyFry New cristal baschet in the studio pic.twitter.com/HL9v7tOBBP
JamesTophamWord or the spiders have learned to use the printer twitter.com/chicobo329/staβ¦
@dangusset This is why I eventually ended up with a simple black & white laser printer.
@janbobrowicz @2rista @GrammarTable Having refreshed my memory of it, that whole first verse really feels like it was either done for a bet or needed another couple of edits…
@davelovemartin @LukesBeard Same here. I like flowstate.fm for regular recommendations, saves me from listening to the same old stuff all the time.

pmig96 Word size problem sorted, endianness fixed, now figures are good and rotation angles work. #Elite on #PumpkinOS. pic.twitter.com/i1XgoWSeJ2
@2rista @GrammarTable Yeah, I feel like the whole of the UK was all “wait—his scarf was *what* now?” when _You’re So Vain_ hit the charts.
BacklistedPod As is now traditional, the new episode of Backlisted will be with you on Christmas morning and it’s very special indeed. In the meantime, here’s a thread featuring our previous festive extravaganzas… πππ

RodneyMarshall1 Nightmarish dreams and hallucinations, usually delivered by diabolical scientists, seemed to occur in almost every mid to late-60s action-adventure. Great fun for the set designers and directors, creating a surreal, almost psychedelic, oneiric landscape. A short thread… pic.twitter.com/HhpcNq7X9r
Not bad.
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