@ahnlak It may not be helping that the top-left diagonal half of the main map is, in reality, just about due south of the bottom-right half, as you can just about make out in the Key section. But you’d probably have to know the area quite well to work all that out…
@ahnlak I believe that (a) you are correct and that (b) they both accurately point to the same North.
Certainly gets my vote for most-baffling-laid-out-at-first-glance map of the year, and it’s 31st December… twitter.com/NickHowes13/st…
@behlingdj (I suppose I think of the Chocolate Path as kind-of-a-bridge, maybe?)
@behlingdj The last time they worked on a bridge near me it was the Ashton Avenue renovation for the Metrobus, and I seem to remember that went a couple of *years* over schedule…