Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 20th, 2018

You know we were joking when we told you to try turning Parliament off and on again, right?…

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haveigotnews As Elon Musk opens a huge underground tunnel in LA, critics question his motives after a Thai football team is seen wandering into it.

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@SpikyZebra It’s only obligatory for exercise equipment to turn into a Clothes Horse of Guilt if you’re an adult and you’ve paid for it yourself.

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@archidave @BristolLive Sigh. When I saw that story, I thought, “Oh, some pretty much unmitigated good news for a change…”

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Aww, the Mauretania sign is being restored to its former glory.…

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@iamkeir <img href=”UNDER_CONSTUCTION.GIF”>

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