@djelibeybi_meg Thanks!
@dangusset @simon_sellars @Hollingsville I promise I will actually read the piece, but the 1970s kid in me just wants to say I HAD A SONIC EAR JUST LIKE THAT ONE IN THE PICTURE

royvanrijn You’ve got to be shitting me…
One of our office chairs turns off monitors… we couldn’t believe it, but we have it on tape.
Surprisingly, there even is a known issue for it:
support.displaylink.com/knowledgebase/… pic.twitter.com/E57ApzR0Mi
Bloggity blog: Favourite photo of the month, 2019. gothick.org.uk/2020/01/02/fav…
@mikeysmith @robsmallshire (It’s somewhat telling that thirty years since I last played Elite regularly, I’m looking at the stamp wondering why on earth the commander here is shooting randomly into space while completely stationary and within the Coriolis station’s protective zone 😃)
@mikeysmith @robsmallshire It was Elite that cemented my interest in computing at an early age. And Lemmings, among many other things, that later ensured I didn’t get the best of Computer Science degree results! 😆

mikeysmith Royal Mail are issuing stamps with Sensible Soccer, Lemmings, Elite and Dizzy on them.
That’s basically my entire childhood. pic.twitter.com/wsHbv1FPlr
@UrsulaWJ No, thank Thor and all other Scaffoldy Gods of Nuisance and Thunder.
Gosh, don’t scaffolders work quietly? SHOUTED NOBODY EVER AT THE TOP OF THEIR SWEARY VOICE
// TODO: Work out what I was gibbering on about when I wrote the above TODO
Nick_Pettigrew The best cure for a persistent cough is to stop drinking milk. My elderly neighbour had a hacking cough for months but since he started leaving his milk on his doorstep a couple of weeks ago, it seems to have cleared up completely.