I’m not sure how this Spotify playlist managed to make it from Adult Net to Half Man Half Biscuit, but I’m glad it did.
@tomcoates @ivan007 You just reminded me I have a packet of butterscotch Angel Delight in the cupboard and now I know what I’m having for dessert.
@porthjess You’ve ruled out pole vaulting quite early…

Different Perspective. pic.twitter.com/bh24e2vBiD

Haberfield. @WeirdBristol #hotwells pic.twitter.com/8fHnxxKDGo

“There is very little left of me and it’s never coming back” pic.twitter.com/sxKNIdTIaZ
📷 Rose of Denmark, Hotwells, Bristol. It’s the large, friendly letters for me. tmblr.co/ZD7hNxZBgSxV8W…