@Juggzy Funny you should say that, given what arrived in the post today. pic.twitter.com/IhKHVw5lDy

Cheeky. #cafesigns pic.twitter.com/Oy0uqr0DyB
DrAndrewThaler Holy mola. Spain’s high child mortality rate for coronavirus was likely a software error caused by storing ages as two-digits. 100+ year olds were marked as toddlers. twitter.com/mianrey/status…
@SternishOwl Thanks!

Nightsilt. pic.twitter.com/cWBE0yuAeH

‘fini evenin’. pic.twitter.com/3yc0B8pypw
@bathsaints @beardedjourno Nice!

Hashtag albumcover pic.twitter.com/yWz8uahgEt
@iamtheshunt1 Thank you. So nice to be able to get out for a walk after work and it be light enough to take a photo!
@beardedjourno I do like a turret. Especially a fairly random one on an otherwise relatively modest house. This is my favourite Bristol example, I think. google.com/maps/@51.45643…

beardedjourno My one ambition in life is to live in a house with a turret pic.twitter.com/7LS0RowroI

Dockside clock tower. #bristol pic.twitter.com/Bqr4Yj7bSk
cstross Random thought for the day:
If you genderflipped “Lord of the Rings”, then that bit when the middle-aged Frodo put on her ring and became invisible to everyone would *clearly* be a metaphor for marriage.

nikeshshukla Today’s Brown Baby podcast is with the amazing @emmy_the_great. We recorded at the end of last year. We talked about being parents, touring with a newborn and reading on the bog. podfollow.com/brown-baby-pod… pic.twitter.com/jhBNnsxSzj