Earlier, north of the river, there were attempts to put a bridge across the Avon close to Hotwells, and plans for an underground system. Sound familiar? :D #bristol (Source: The Bristol Port Railway & Pier, Colin Maggs, Oakwood Press, 1975) pic.twitter.com/8HQ4V4Svne

Hotwells, looking across the river from near the Clifton Bridge station. Samuel Loxton, c. 1910 #bristol #history pic.twitter.com/DZwTCYU9g9

Brunel House façade, present day and 1880s. Apparently after failing as a hotel (built for Brunel) it was a popular Turkish Baths for a time. victorianturkishbath.org/2history/atozh… pic.twitter.com/9zpOiyuQZJ