Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 12th, 2021

@Dru_Marland Christ. People thought I was odd for commuting from Hotwells to Bristol Bridge on the boats!

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@Dru_Marland Nice! If I had a time machine I’d definitely take a Campbell’s paddle steamer trip from the landing stage in Hotwells. Ilfracombe, maybe, or across to Wales.

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@Dru_Marland Could well be. Portway opened 1926, and you can still see a tram running behind the bus, so pre-1941, I think. But I ain’t no historian!

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Anyone care to take a guess as to when this was? I’m think not long after Portway construction.

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@Kavey @ahnlak They’ve been wanting to take them out since I was in my twenties. I finally caved.

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@ahnlak Well, so. Apparently I have “strong bones” and my teeth are “well attached”. Which on any other day might be a good thing, I suppose.

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On the down side I’m about to undergo the most complex medical procedure of my life. On the up side, it’s only having two wisdom teeth pulled under a local. *crosses fingers* 🦷 🦷

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@Lillput This is next to St Peter’s house at the bottom of Jacobs Well Road. If I’ve ever seen similar before I’ve forgotten…

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Well, it’s possible, but I’m still not getting in his fridge.

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