beardedjourno This is so sad to watch. One of Bristol’s most beautiful trees, a majestic weeping willow near Temple Meads, is being chopped down this morning. pic.twitter.com/act2fLr62w

Meliden “I will not accept that it’s a highly dangerous road”
From ITN archives. pic.twitter.com/snILgnwvPi
@marklesuk @BonfieldJames I don’t really care much how it plays out, I just want them all to use the same word for the same operation!
@corylus As it’s Word, I’m sure there’s also 300 ad-infested shovelblog articles that claim you can add it as a standard page size, none of which work with your version of Word, too…
@BonfieldJames I actually thought about that while I was posting. “install” seems to be reasonably consistent, but for my seldomest-used package managers I always seem to guess the wrong “upgrade this package” verb first time. It’s like plugging in a sodding USB A connector.
Would all the many and varied package manager developers in the world please get together and decide whether it’s “update” or “upgrade”, please?

Browsing eBay again. Wonder how much time I’d spend walking around Arnos Vale cemetery if I could get there on a direct tram from Hotwells at all, let alone for a penny… pic.twitter.com/JKKTWC41an

JPierreCoyle I don’t see him and Gere having the chemistry but I guess we will never know. pic.twitter.com/FIpGpWos1T

undertheraedar All A roads and motorways in Great Britain, in order, for today’s #30DayMapChallenge remix finale 🎶
My favourite (but also nemesis) is the A9 but I’m also quite fond of the A66, A82, and the A858, if we’re sharing our deepest secrets - yeah the A830 isn’t too bad either! pic.twitter.com/JH4BP5Rq0F
Wordle 529 6/6