Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 27th, 2023

5tevieM receptionist asked if I was alright then the coffee guy did too so I actually did it. I said “im just not wearing makeup but thanks”. it felt GOOD 10/10 anyway then saw I’d wiped ketchup on my face and it looked exactly like I was bleeding from the eye.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:30 PM, Apr 27th, 2023 via Twitter Web App)

@DomCarterAgain @5tevieM Also, if you did literally nothing except floss for twelve hours a day in between appointments the hygienist would still tell you you weren’t flossing enough.

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KYPBristol What’s your kink? In the 70s, Wixon’s was trolling the council by refusing to sell his East St shop for road realignment. The wild bend in the road got the spot its nickname but gave Wixon a perfect advertising opportunity - he sold ladies undies! 👌🩲…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 6:59 PM, Apr 27th, 2023 via Twitter Web App)

@memizon Did it cost nineteen-and-six? Might be an appropriate price for a David Copperfield…

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Not entirely sure how Brunel Way got in there twice! Here, have some random bonus pics :D

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