Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 18th, 2008

Hmm. Mopey support band doing mopey acoustic cover of Green Day’s Basket Case. Next, please, before I slit my wrists.

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@DaveHamilton odd, isn’t it? Only happens on my MacBook, not my iMac, I figured it was to do with stopping network/closing lid on busy Mail.

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Time to go home for an hour’s nap before heading back out for a Thea Gilmore gig. Yes, I’m elderly. Stipulated.

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@boagworld How about “Clients are Stupid, and Everybody Lies”?

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Convinced BBC meteorological supercomputer is just looking out the window for its data while playing WoW with other 99% of mighty intellect.

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Oh, for the love of MIke. Whom do i have to sleep with to get’s “remember me” feature to remember me? Feeling rejected *sigh*.

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