Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 28th, 2008

On the plus side, arrived on my pushbike after its first ride this year. Was only a couple of miles, but I now feel completely supercharged.

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Bah. Arrived at work on time to test newly-moved servers. Servers here, but network such a mess I won’t be needed for at least half an hour.

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Lunch with mum & dad, aunt & uncle and as-yet-unspecified collection of cousins & offspring. Then, sadly, off to work to test a server move

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Hmm. Is there any way of displaying the _time_ of a particular tweet in @Twitterrific? I’ve poked around some, but I can’t seem to find one

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