Haggis spring rolls. That’s my kind of fusion.
We’re on a ferry decorated by someone who watched a lot of Doctor Who and Blake’s 7 as a child, I..instagram.com/p/aBYagOJC4V/9E
The wake of the MV Finlaggan. instagram.com/p/aBYZMIJC4U/
Taking a short break in the Friends of Laphroaig lounge. instagram.com/p/aBIia3pC_K/
Freshly-smoked haddock, anyone? #ardbeg #ardbog instagram.com/p/aBFIGzpC5v/
Ardbeg vine.co/v/bYlK1IQ7nvg
@Bingo_Little The Ardbeg distillery cafe. Though turns out it’s a stack of haggis, neeps and tatties.
Hrm. Kavey appears to be eating a haggis cheesecake. instagram.com/p/aA2I9ZJC7U/
Kavey the explorer. instagram.com/p/aA0g08pC6I/
Our last Islay-style lunch. instagram.com/p/aAyRpUpC4K/
“I do not like this weather,” said the @Kavey. “The sky is too grey and the waves are too wavey.”
Last morning on Islay. Sad this view will no longer accompany my morning coffee. instagram.com/p/aAcnGtJC35/